Join us at a new location Sunday at 10am at the Crystal Community Center as we gather for public worship.

Behold & Become

A Discipleship Curriculum for Kids

The aim of our Discipleship Class curriculum is for children to have avenues to behold the goodness of God and become fitted servants for his kingdom. The local church not only has the opportunity but the responsibility to partner with parents to train and disciple their children. This curriculum will provide opportunities to behold God through familiarity with: his Word, songs of saints throughout time, and meditation on the Bible in context through memorization and reflection. We will also read and reflect upon Christian biographies in order to ground children in the Christian tradition by reminding them of the "great cloud of witnesses" who have gone before us. Children will be further shaped by the great Christian tradition as we explore worldviews and global missions.

Supporting Parents

While discipleship is primarily the responsibility of the parents, it is never a solo endeavor but one fulfilled in the church community. We want families to flourish under God's design—parents pouring themselves out to raise their children in the discipline and instruction of the Lord. Kids are a tremendous blessing, and parenting is a profound calling. It's also a very challenging calling; that's why we covenant together as members to "educate our children in the Christian faith." The home and local church are the primary means of discipleship above any other institution or program. As parents, teachers, and a church community, we eagerly labor together to show our kids Jesus that they might join us in following him in all of life.