We were ready to share with you not only the gospel of God but also our own selves ...
— 1 Thessalonians 2:8

Community Groups aim to foster Christian community by practicing hospitality and gospel intentionality together. These groups of 10-15 adults (plus kiddos) are where we move towards one another in the regular rhythms of life, which is why geographic proximity matters.
By gathering for a family meal, we bear witness to what life together in Christ looks like (John 13:35). It is in the context of these groups where we practice being generous in hospitality and joyful on mission. While Community Groups are our strategy for mutual care, Discipleship Groups are our strategy for learning to obey all that Jesus commanded.
By gathering for a family meal, we bear witness to what life together in Christ looks like (John 13:35). It is in the context of these groups where we practice being generous in hospitality and joyful on mission. While Community Groups are our strategy for mutual care, Discipleship Groups are our strategy for learning to obey all that Jesus commanded.
Community Groups are characterized by ...
It takes time to develop meaningful relationships. That is why it is important for groups to meet regularly so that trust can be formed and conversations move beyond the superficial.
We all eat. And most of us eat often (like three times a day). Eating together is one of the most natural ways to invest in a relationship. We encourage our groups to eat together, like a family, as part of their regular meeting. Sharing a meal together is a significant expression of generous hospitality, and these group meals are a training ground to practice such hospitality while on joyful mission.
As groups meet and eat, it’s necessary to ask thoughtful questions. The goal of these groups is not just to hang out. We want to practice gospel intentionality in our conversations together. We ask good questions in order to reveal where the gospel and God’s Word needs to be brought to bear in our lives.

Acts 2:42-47 is often held out as an idyllic Christian utopia, but the main takeaway is that Christians lived everyday life together. There’s a need? I can meet it. They could use a meal? I can provide it. They worshipped together; they studied together; they ate together. But they did so with gospel intentionality—that’s how the Lord added to their number day-by-day. They were—we are—a compelling community as we share normal life together.
Current Groups:
- Brooklyn Center (Wednesdays; every other week)
- Golden Valley (Wednesdays; every other week)
- Maple Grove (Tuesdays; every other week)
- Plymouth-New Hope (Wednesdays; every other week)
- North Minneapolis (various; monthly)
- Plymouth (Sundays; every other week)
- Robbinsdale (Fridays; every other week)