Join us at a new location Sunday at 10am at the Crystal Community Center as we gather for public worship.

Behold & Become

A Discipleship Curriculum for Kids

The aim of our Discipleship Class curriculum is for children to have avenues to behold the goodness of God and become fitted servants for his kingdom. The local church not only has the opportunity but the responsibility to partner with parents to train and disciple their children. This curriculum will provide opportunities to behold God through familiarity with: his Word, songs of saints throughout time, and meditation on the Bible in context through memorization and reflection. We will also read and reflect upon Christian biographies in order to ground children in the Christian tradition by reminding them of the "great cloud of witnesses" who have gone before us. Children will be further shaped by the great Christian tradition as we explore worldviews and global missions.


We seek to use our Discipleship Class time as a beautiful hour with direct access to God’s Word and opportunities to learn and worship. The structure and methods of this curriculum use time-tested principles. These are informed by traditional classical and Charlotte Mason approaches. There are two components to the hour: gathering time and classroom lesson. During the gathering time, children will learn hymns, Scripture, and worldview lessons together. They will then be separated into age-appropriate classes (younger & older kids) for their Bible lessons, church history, and service-oriented project.


Hymns teach deep truths about God, plant seeds of faith in our hearts, allow us to express ourselves in song, unite us with other believers in history and in our own church, encourage us in times of trouble or sorrow, and expose us to beauty and poetry. Singing great hymns of the faith trains us to learn rich and comforting doctrine by heart. In our hymn study we will learn biographical information about the author, the song, and some musical skills for robust singing.

Reciting Scripture helps us to slow down, ponder, imagine, and wonder. The Holy Spirit can use these words to both correct and comfort us. This is intended to be a joyful and positive time; no one is shamed for not memorizing. The greater goal is to get us meditating on God's Word so that its truths sink deep into hearts and souls. We will be learning longer passages to know God's Word in context.

Worldview and missions lessons from Window on the World will inform children of God’s work around the world. A gentle introduction to other belief systems that are contrary to Christianity will be presented showing people’s desperate need for the true God of the universe.


We will read the Bible directly and respond to what we hear by using a historic practice known as narration, or telling back, as well as creating a timeline. We will utilize images and resources that nurture reality and reverence. Maps and images of artifacts or architecture (i.e., the temple) help to solidify in children’s minds that God is real, and these stories really happened. The Bible passage selections are from The Bible Story Handbook by John & Kim Walton.

Using our hands to learn a new skill that can serve and bless others (such as writing cards of encouragement, clay modeling, or paper crafts to gift to others) will replace worksheets (which promote busy work, passive learning, and preoccupation with self). The work we do with our hands will be in thoughtful service to others. It should be a project of compassion, which builds sequential skills over time. The skill is worked on incrementally over the course of each term.

We will read about a missionary or person in church history to encourage our faith from a "great cloud of witness" of God's people throughout time and region. Class time will close with a time of prayer.


Core Resources 

Class Resources 

Supplemental Resources

  • Show Them Jesus by Jack Klumpenhower (additional free resources on the website)
  • Rembrandt in the Wind by Russ Ramsey
  • You are What You Love by James KA Smith
  • For the Children’s Sake by Susan Schaeffer Macaulay
  • Know and Tell by Karen Glass
  • Parenting by Paul David Tripp
  • Duties of Parents by JC Ryle
  • Hints on Child Training by Henry Clay Trumbull
  • Bible Project overviews of books of the Bible